Happy Feet

Happy Feet uses storylines, songs and fun games with a soccer ball. Kids have a blast while excercising and learning soccer skills! This willl give your child a head start on fitness, balance and coordination. For a nominal fee, your child (ages 2-5 years) can enjoy this program.

Spanish Class

Spanish is taught to children in the Four Year group on Tuesday mornings for a hour lesson. Children will learn basic Spanish while doing cultural art projects and playing games.


Our Music teacher comes in and sings songs with our children ages Toddler through Fours. The teacher will delight your child with wonderful songs using musical instruments. She will also introduce musical instruments to your child, which they love to practice playing on. The music teacher will use creative ideas as they act out parts of different songs-this is a treat to watch. Music time will be one of your child’s favorite activities!


Fit4Kidz will introduce your child to basic movement,exercise and positive physical activities. For a nominal fee, your child will enjoy participating in fun activities and understanding the importance of healthy movement.


Our Storyteller comes in and tells enchanting stories to our children ages Toddler through Fours. Through puppets, pictures and drawings our storyteller will take your child on a magical journey. Storytelling is a very important part of childhood and your child will sit spellbound through all the wonderful tales.